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Classic Stories: The Princess and the Pea

Enjoy a classic story in English and learn 9 uses of ‘sleep’ - in 5 minutes.

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Classic Stories: The Vampyre

Learning English Stories Enjoy a classic story in English and learn 9 uses of ‘keep’ - in 5 minutes.

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Classic Stories: The North Wind and the Sun

Enjoy a classic story in English and learn 10 uses of ‘catch’ - in 5 minutes

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Classic Stories: Moby Dick

Enjoy a classic story in English and learn 9 uses of ‘see’ - in 5 minutes.

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Classic Stories: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Enjoy a classic story in English and learn 10 uses of ‘get’ - in 5 minutes.

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Classic Stories: King Midas and his Golden Touch

Enjoy a classic story in English and learn 7 uses of ‘touch’ - in 5 minutes.

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